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Feelings Aren't Good or Bad; They Just Are

Writer's picture: Ashley LeoneAshley Leone

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio / Friday, May 5th, 2023 | 1:34 PM EST

An eclipse occurs when the sun, moon and earth are in perfect alignment along the nodal axis, or the highest and lowest points of the moon's orbit, and one temporarily abducts, or eclipses, the light of the other.

Under a full moon eclipse the moon falls directly into earth’s shadow, calling what was previously hidden into the light.

This eclipse can feel like airing out dirty laundry and/ or pulling up the rug to find something that has been lost for months, years... even lifetimes.

We get to choose what we do with the outcast, uncomfortable or secret parts of ourselves. Releasing the mindset that "this feeling/ part of me is bad" allows room for the thing itself to b r e a t h e . And in that space resides the opportunity to choose.

This is the final Scorpio eclipse in almost one decade, and completes the shorter 18-month cycle of Taurus/ Scorpio eclipses that began on November 19th, 2021. An emotional, disappointing or unsettling event from that time may have caused you to become aware of your own basic human needs for safety, security and self-preservation.

A Scorpio full moon eclipse on May 16th, 2022 may have allowed you to celebrate the fruits of your hard labor, and/ or you may have found yourself overwhelmed by abounding options.

Were you so fixated on loss or what went wrong at the last Scorpio new moon eclipse on October 25th, 2022 that you failed to see the opportunity for growth?

Questions for reflection at this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse:

~ How have I been an active participant in successfully freeing stagnant or stuck creative energy over the last six months?

~ To whom or what am I saying goodbye whether just for now, or maybe once and for all? Can I allow myself to fully grieve this?

~ If I allow myself to really breathe and feel into what’s here, what would happen?



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